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Creation context

Created on May 1, 2023 at the end of my first year of Game Engine Programming at Isart Digital.

My goal

My goal for this project was to develop a 3D game with a complete interface and at least one playable level, in one week, using Unity, to make sure I was well prepared for the 3C Project done in collaboration with the second-year Game Design students.

Project's description

U-PFA is an acronym for "Unity-Projet de Fin d'Année". The game is, as the name implies, a Unity-based version of my end-of-year project, a replica of the first-person puzzle game The Spectrum Retreat, developed by Dan Smith Studios. The player has a telephone, which indicates the time spent in the current level, and whose color can be exchanged with those of the blocks scattered around the map. To reach the end of the level, the player must pass through colored gates. To do this, the color of the player's phone must match the color of the door.

What I learned

During the creation of this project, I had to write scripts for level selection, player movement, the various LDOs1 and the game interface, which enabled me to consolidate my knowledge of C# and game development with Unity. I also designed a simple level, learning how to structure a puzzle and use static lights in Unity.


Unity, C#, Gameplay Programming, UI Programming

  1. LDO = Level Design Object. An in-game element the player can interact with (e.g. a moving platform). 

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