Grappling Gloops

Version française

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Creation context

Created in 5 weeks from May 8th to June 9th 2023 by Loïck Noa Obiang Ndong (Programming), Yohann Blanchard (Game Design, Programming), Vincent Soufflet (Game Design, UI Design), Samuel Miquel (Game Design, Level Design) and Esteban Marty (Game Design, UX Design) as part of the AEC in game engine programming offered by ISART Digital Montreal

Our goal

Our goal for this project was to create a professional prototype for a Unity game with a fun, innovative controller.

Project's description

Grappling Gloop's is a 3D platformer. You play as a slime with the ability to expand and cling to certain surfaces, enabling you to grasp distant objects or propel yourself through levels.

What I learned

During the creation of this project, I was in charge of programming the game's mechanics, LDOs1, and interfaces. This collaboration with students in their 2nd year of Game Design allowed me to develop my C# skills on Unity, as well as my communication and teamwork skills. I also had the opportunity to experiment with the different types of joints available on Unity, in particular spring joints, which gave me the chance to learn more about how they work and their possible applications.

Project's progression :

The project is completed.


C#, Unity, 3C, Teamwork, Collaboration, Gameplay Programming, UI Programming

  1. LDO = Level Design Object. An in-game element the player can interact with (e.g. a moving platform). 

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