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Created in 3 weeks from March 13th to 31st 2023 during my second semester in Game Engine Programming at Isart Digital.

My goal

My goal for this project was to create a C++ rendering library using OpenGL targeted towards video games development.

Project's description

The library offers useful features for game development, as well as a simple demo project. To avoid unnecessary compile times and code bloat, the library has been split in five (5) distinct modules, each handling a specific set of capabilities :

  • Core: Graph data structure, Logging, Assertions, Eventing, Resource Management, Service Locator, Thread Pool, Timer, Common utility functions
  • App: Windowing, Input management, Application context
  • Entities: Component-based scene management
  • Physics: Simple rigid body physics without angular velocity, Ray casting, Collider overlap testing (similar to Unity's Physics.Overlap functions)
  • Rendering: OpenGL Rendering Engine, Blinn-Phong shading, Shadow Mapping

Since the main focus of this project was the renderer, I used the following libraries to facilitate some parts of the development:

What I learned

Creating a modular rendering library in C++ using OpenGL allowed me to deepen my knowledge of C++, while also consolidating my planning and organization skills. Furthermore, this exercise was a great opportunity to learn more about the various challenges of library design and software architecture. Finally, I learned a lot about graphics programming and OpenGL, from GLSL shader development to useful rendering techniques such as shadow mapping.

Project's progression :

The library is, although constantly being improved, usable, and has been used to create a 3D puzzle game.


C++, OpenGL, GLSL, Software Architecture, Graphics Programming, Engine Programming, Library Programming

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