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Creation context

Created during my second semester in Game Engine Programming at Isart Digital.

My goal

My goal for this project was to create a C++ library of mathematical functions useful for video games development, used in the various projects I carried out during my studies at Isart Digital.

Project's description

The library contains mathematical classes and functions useful for game development, such as Vectors, Matrices, Quaternions, Angles (degrees and radians), Arithmetic and Trigonometry, as well as a suite of unit tests to ensure that the library runs smoothly and avoid regressions when new features are added.

What I learned

Creating a library of mathematical functions in C++, designed for use in projects where performance and efficiency are major concerns, enabled me to reinforce my knowledge of C++ and mathematics, while also consolidating my planning and organization skills. Furthermore, this exercise also enabled me to improve my ability to structure and develop a library that is complete and easy to use, yet easy to maintain and extend. Finally, I learned how to use Docker and Github actions to automate testing on windows and linux with MSVC and g++ respectively on push and pull requests.

Project's progression :

The library is, although constantly being improved, usable, and used in the majority of the projects realized for my classes in Game Engine Programming at Isart Digital, as well as for my game engine Pantheon.


C++, Docker, Github Actions, Software Architecture, Library Programming

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