| Last edit :2021-07-12
| Status :Finished
Created on June 10th 2021 for the game "Alternia".
My goal for this project was to create a viable algorithm to position the nodes of a data tree in an intelligible way in a single traversal, in order to simplify the rendering of the skill tree of the game "Alternia" while reducing as much as possible the resource cost of this process.
The function requires at least 3 parameters :
as well as a way to store the rightmost horizontal position for each depth level (a dictionary using depth as a key for example).
In order to make a single traversal of the tree without losing simplicity, this algorithm makes a post-order traversal (children then root).
If the number of children of the current node is greater than zero :
Else, if the last horizontal position at the current depth is set and the horizontal position received as a paramter is less than the aforementioned : we set the target horizontal position at the last horizontal position for the current depth.
Else, if the last horizontal position for the previous depth (current depth - 1) is set and the horizontal position received as a paramter is less than the aforementioned : we set the target horizontal position at the last horizontal position for the previous depth.
At last, we set the last horizontal position for the current depth as well as the horizontal position of the current node at the target horizontal position and the vertical position at the current depth multiplied by the height of a node.
To facilitate the understanding of the algorithm, I also made an example of use in python (the game is coded in C# but I chose python for the example as it is easier to read and transpose in another language).
Dictionary<int, float> lastXAtDepth
FUNCTION Instantiate(node, xPosition = 0, depth)
IF depth < 0 THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION : Depth shouldn't be negative
IF node.childCount > 0 THEN
FOR i IN range(0, node.childCount) DO
child = node.children[i]
IF i > 0 AND child.childCount > 1 AND node.children[i - 1].childCount EQUALS 0 THEN
xPosition = node.children[i - 1].xPosition
ELSE IF lastXAtDepth CONTAINS KEY depth + 1 AND xPosition < lastXAtDepth[depth + 1] + child.width
xPosition = lastXAtDepth[depth + 1] + child.width
Instantiate(child, xPosition, depth + 1)
minX = node.children[0].xPosition
maxX = node.children[node.childCount - 1].xPosition
xPosition = (minX + maxX) / 2
ELSE IF lastXAtDepth CONTAINS KEY depth AND xPosition < lastXAtDepth[depth] THEN
xPosition = lastXAtDepth[depth]
ELSE IF lastXAtDepth CONTAINS KEY depth - 1 AND xPosition < lastXAtDepth[depth - 1] THEN
xPosition = lastXAtDepth[depth - 1]
lastXAtDepth(depth) = xPosition
node.xPosition = xPosition
node.yPosition = depth * nodeHeight
When creating this project, I had to make an easily scalable and easy to use algorithm taking into account specific technical limitations. This exercise allowed me to improve my analytical and problem solving as well as optimization skills which can be essential during the development of an application.
You are free to use this algorithm as you wish and add your personal touch as long as you credit me !
Unity, C#, Algorithm, UI Programming
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