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Creation context

Created on April 8, 2021 to facilitate the prototyping of levels inspired by real locations on unity.

My goal

My goal for this project is to create a complete, high-performance tool for rapidly prototyping levels inspired by real places, by directly importing the data provided by Open Street Map into Unity.

Project's description

NX_OSM is a C# map generator enabling users of the Unity game engine to import data provided by Open Street Map into their projects, either at the design stage or in real time at runtime. To do this, users can choose between using previously exported data (e.g. from the Open Street Map Exporter) or, if the user has access to the Internet, the coordinates of the target region (min. latitude, min. longitude, max. latitude, max. longitude).

What I learned

During the creation of this project, I had to develop an OSM data parser, which gave me a better understanding of the structure of an xml file and of the C# programming language. In addition, this project was the first for which I created a custom window for the Unity editor. I therefore learned to use unity's ImGUI wrapper to create robust tools, enabling users to avoid repetitive tasks such as downloading the OSM data for the target region, by providing a simple way of doing so directly from the editor. Finally, as all models are dynamically generated, I also learned a lot about 3D models generation, from winding order to the creation of UV maps.

Project's progression :

The project is currently a prototype and is available on Github. The project's progress can be followed on Trello.


Unity, C#, Trello, Procedural Generation, Open Street Map, Tools Programming

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