Connect 4

Version française

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Creation context

Created during fall 2019 by Loïck Obiang (UI/UX Programming), Mathieu Boivert (AI Programming), Laura Vergnas (Project Lead), Keven Bedard (AI Programming) and Daniel Santo Nicola (Design) for the business management class of the Computer Science and Technology program offered by Cégep Garneau

Our mission

Our mission for this project was to create an exciting, competitive sharing experience by developing a virtually unbeatable Connect 4 algorithm.

Project's description

The games are played locally and the game has a single player mode as well as a 2 player mode.

Single player mode includes three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium and Hard.

  • In easy mode, the opponent plays randomly,
  • In medium mode, the algorithm tries to stop the player's progress and
  • In hard mode, the A.I. is able to challenge even the most skilled players.

What I learned

When creating this project, I was responsible for programming the interface and the user experience (buttons, texts, transitions between windows, program interactivity, etc.).

This exercise allowed me to refine my teamwork skills, as well as my analytical skills and my autonomy. I was also able to learn new methods of team development such as scrums and the agile method.

Invite a friend to play with you and have fun collaborating and sharing great experiences !


WinForms, C#, Teamwork, Collaboration, UI Programming

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