| Last edit :2022-02-24
| Status :Paused
Created on September 7th 2018 by Loïck Noa Obiang Ndong to simplify the management of the discord server Alternia
My goal for this project was to create a scalable discord bot with intuitive commands to simplify the server administration, as well as making it easier for players to access.
Alterbot is a bot developed for the Alternia discord server using the discord API and the Discord.NET module to facilitate certain tasks for players and administrators, with the aim of improving their experience through simple, intuitive text commands.
These include, among others :
During the creation of this project, I was in charge of programming a series of intuitive commands allowing the players to focus on the action. This was also the first project for which I used an external API. This exercise allowed me to deepen my knowledge of the C# language, as well as to improve my research skills. Moreover, in order to be sure to meet the needs of the players and the moderation team, I regularly inquired about the use of the bot as well as the points for improvement mentioned by the users.
As the server is no longer active, development of the bot has been interrupted and it is no longer hosted. Contact me if you need temporary access to its features.
C#, .net, Reflection, Discord Bot, Discord.Net, Tools Programming
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